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Make Your Own Glass Pendant!

  • Thu, April 18, 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • MIXXER. 1375 North Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Winston-Salem, NC 27101
  • 2


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Have you ever wanted to experience molten glass up-close? Wanted to learn the art of glass working but didn't know where to start? Come learn how to melt, manipulate, sculpt and be mesmerized by the world of glass art. Through demonstration and hands on learning, you will learn how to manipulate glass to create a glass pendant! This class will cover the basics of using a torch to shape your glass and how to create a colorful texture using frit. Come melt some glass with us and maybe find a new passion!

NOTE:  Closed toed shoes are required. Please tie back long hair and avoid loose fitting shirt sleeves. Please be prepared for long periods of standing. Please reach out to for questions about accommodations.  

Growing up in the heart of North Carolina, I spent most of my life surrounded by two brothers. When I had initially picked up lampworking was around the same time I lost my eldest brother and grandmother back to back. This medium helped me heal, a distraction. I learned that glass is just as fragile as life. I see myself in the reflections of the glass, in the flame that comes from my torch. Teaching me patience that I never had before. Going on 2 years working with a torch, making this my 6th year in the glass community. My goal is to create a safe haven in this class for those seeking a break from reality while exploring a new passion.

This class is for makers ages 18 years old and older.  Please email with questions or comments.

Workshops must meet a minimum number of registrations.  Mixxer may cancel workshop 48 hours prior to start time, if minimum is not met. Should you need to cancel your registration, 48 hours notice is required to request a cancellation, refund or credit to future workshop date. 

For more information visit our main website at

1375 N Martin Luther King Jr Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27101

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